Chasbo is Chuckoff
My real name is Chuckoff. I have been going by Chasbo to throw off the spies that have been after me for the last 25 years but now they have been liquidated. Welcome to my site.

Can't open any folders when Windowblinds is running

Jan 31, 2025 10:12 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

A crazy thing has happened. When I choose a skin other than the default win11 one I can't access my folders. I click on a folder and nothing happens when there is a windowblinds skin selected. I go back to the default win11 skin  and no problem.  This has never happened before and I've used windowblinds since 2005. There are no other programs installed to skin anything. I'm truly perplexed.

7 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Dec 25, 2024 5:19 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Happy Holidays to all here at Win Customize!!! (Seds Wall)

8 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Tried it don't like it

Nov 9, 2024 2:50 PM by Discussion: Fences

I got this in my email the other day: 

Your payment for subscription to "Fences Annual Subscription" will be automatically processed on 11/16/24 ($9.62).
Please verify your payment details to ensure successful transaction and uninterrupted delivery.

I tried Fences some time ago and it's not for me. I had no idea it was a subscription. I don't want it. I can't find anything to stop the subscription in My Stardock account. Can someone from Stardock please help me stop this renewal? I'm on a fixed income and I can't afford to spend $9.62 on something I don't even want.

Hoping for some help on this.

3 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Tried it don't like it

Nov 9, 2024 2:50 PM by Discussion: Fences

I got this in my email the other day: 

Your payment for subscription to "Fences Annual Subscription" will be automatically processed on 11/16/24 ($9.62).
Please verify your payment details to ensure successful transaction and uninterrupted delivery.

I tried Fences some time ago and it's not for me. I had no idea it was a subscription. I don't want it. I can't find anything to stop the subscription in My Stardock account. Can someone from Stardock please help me stop this renewal? I'm on a fixed income and I can't afford to spend $9.62 on something I don't even want.

Hoping for some help on this.

3 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Aug 3, 2023 11:13 AM by Discussion: Community

I was asked to give a big Shout Out to all the members from Don5318. He has stopped using PC's. He's gone over to Macs, He won't be skinning for PC anymore. He says Hi to all!!!

Let's wish him the best of luck going forward!

5 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

CursorFX not working at all

Jul 21, 2021 3:45 PM by Discussion: CursorFX

So I tried altering Tronnix cursor. Didn't seem to make any difference no matter what setting was altered. That's when the hell began. I deleted Tronnix because it wasn't working properly anyway and after that I couldn't apply any cursor set at all.

So I figured that I'd uninstall CursorFX and reinstall CursorFX. Should be back in business but oh no the hell continued. There's a message that you have to close any instance of CursorFX before proceeding with uninstall. Through task manager and using Wisecare 365 I did not see any instance of CursorFX running.

Re-installed and it seemed to go fine until trying to load a cursor set up. NOTHING. Just the windows cursor. No set will load.

So I cleaned the registry through Wisecare 365. Looked for any leftovers of CursorFX. Didin't see any instance of it running and repeated the uninstall reinstall process again. Seemed to go fine again but no cursor set will load. Back to cursor hell.

That's it. I need help. Not going any further with this until I get help. This is the latest version of CursorFX.

Knowing how this goes here's Winver (email address Blocked out on purpose):





4 Replies Reply 9 Referrals

CursorFX not working at all

Jul 21, 2021 3:45 PM by Discussion: CursorFX

So I tried altering Tronnix cursor. Didn't seem to make any difference no matter what setting was altered. That's when the hell began. I deleted Tronnix because it wasn't working properly anyway and after that I couldn't apply any cursor set at all.

So I figured that I'd uninstall CursorFX and reinstall CursorFX. Should be back in business but oh no the hell continued. There's a message that you have to close any instance of CursorFX before proceeding with uninstall. Through task manager and using Wisecare 365 I did not see any instance of CursorFX running.

Re-installed and it seemed to go fine until trying to load a cursor set up. NOTHING. Just the windows cursor. No set will load.

So I cleaned the registry through Wisecare 365. Looked for any leftovers of CursorFX. Didin't see any instance of it running and repeated the uninstall reinstall process again. Seemed to go fine again but no cursor set will load. Back to cursor hell.

That's it. I need help. Not going any further with this until I get help. This is the latest version of CursorFX.

Knowing how this goes here's Winver (email address Blocked out on purpose):





4 Replies Reply 9 Referrals

Where is my skin?

Jul 13, 2021 11:59 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

I just purchased The Blues by Lightstar. The DL link in my email times out, I've tried it with 2 different browsers, the skin is not listed in my downloads when I log in to my account.

What gives?

I have a day off and would like to use this skin. 

22 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Seem to remember he said he was gonna skin again

Apr 2, 2021 11:51 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to recall vStyler saying he was going to start skinning again. I miss his skins!

3 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Oct 1, 2020 3:28 AM by Discussion: Stardock Support General

In all the years I've been purchasing skins I never did this before. I paid for a skin twice! By accident of course. What can I do? Need a little help here.


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